St George Girls High School

An Academically Selective High School for Girls

Telephone02 9587 5902


ST George Girls High School uses technology as a learning and teaching tool as well as a system to communicate with students and parents.

Students are expected to bring their own devices (BYOD). IT support is provided on how to connect the device to the school internet and how to access the software that is provided for students free of charge. This assistance in available in the library.

Links for more information:

Students are encouraged to bring their own devices (BYOD). Please refer to the below technology access document for guideline and information:

BYOD Technology setup guide (PDF 612KB)

Assistance is provided on how to connect the device to the school internet and how to install the software that is available in the library.

Some helpful links for students

Software Download

  • Adobe Software Please refer to BYOD setup guide above for download and installation.
  • Microsoft Office 365 Please refer to BYOD setup guide above for download and installation.

Parent Portal

The Sentral portal provides some information from the school administration system and also enables communication between parents and the school. 

Parent Portal Login

Our parent portal provides parents with 24/7 access to their child's data. Parents can check the daily notices, view a student timetable, access a summary of attendance and obtain student reports when they are published.


Bring your own device (BYOD) allows students to use their personal devices at school to access the NSW Department of Education (DoE) Wi-Fi network for appropriate learning activities, accessing resources and to research material. It is very important that you choose a device which meets the technical specifications to connect to the Wi-Fi network provided by the department. 

BYOD Specifications checklist (PDF 192KB)

Hewlett-Packard BYOD Program

HP has offered to provide an easy to manage solution to provide a laptop for your child. The price of all of the devices they offer includes 3 years onsite support and free delivery.

Laptops can be ordered via HP BYOD Portal using school login code StGeorgeGHS.

Staff Sentral Login

Click on the Sentral logo to login - Authorised Users Only

  • BYOD Internet Access Use within school with Department user id and password
  • Remote Desktop Access Use the same username and password for school desktops
  • BYOD Printing Use Department user id and password (Inside school access only)
  • Department Portal Use Department user id and password
  • Clickview Online Use Department user id and password

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